Monday, January 16, 2012

Books Completed- Jan 3rd 2012

Motorcycle Diaries -- Che Guuvera -- Ok book
Bolivian Dairies -- Che Guuvera -- Good book
Revolution 2020 -- Chetan Bhagat -- Pathetic book
Aleph - Paulo Coelho -- Ok/Good Book

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Expecto Patronum

Some days back, one of my good friends had put up a facebook status saying that most of people surrounding him are very selfish and self-centred so he is kinda pissed off by the way these dark-vile creatures pull him down and ruin his mood. Due to some inexplicable reasons, I was in the Hogwarts Mood at that time and the mention of dark-vile creatures brought forward the memory of Dementors  who are also dark-vile creatures making use of a person’s emotional vulnerability to suck out his soul and the way to repel  them is to use the Expecto Patronum charm which requires the person to recall the innermost positive thoughts/ memories to create a defensive shield.
So whenever bad people surround you think about the good people in your life. If bad circumstances pull you down, think about all the good things in life. Let whatever good happened in your life become an expect patronum  to pull you out of the rut created by the bad things.